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How to play Backgammon

Automatic doubles, beavers, raccoons and the Jacoby Rule are not used in match play. If a player refuses a redouble they must pay the number of points that were at stake prior to the redouble. Otherwise, they accept the redouble, become the new owner of the cube and the game continues at twice the previous stake. There is no limit to the number of times a double may be offered in one game. After a redouble only the owner of the doubling cube can make a subsequent redouble.

How to play backgammon

So, if your opponent moves from point 1 to 24, you will move from point 24 to 1. These variations allow you to use the same board to play a different game than standard backgammon. As we shown in the last position, Blue has one blot on White’s 3-point board and two blots in her outer board. An opponents checkers cannot move to your anchors as you’re occupying these the points. When anchors are placed next to each other it’s called prime. Now that someone has the cube, it’s up to them when/if they want to use it again to double the stakes at a later turn. The doubling cube is a die with the numbers 2,4,8,16,32 and 64 written on it.

For example, if one or more of your checkers are on the bar, you cannot bear off any checkers, even if all of your other checkers are on your home board. If you can enter one or more of your checkers from the bar, but not all of them, you must do so. Before getting started, of course, you’ll need to set up a Backgammon board. See our New to Backgammon collection of articles or take a free beginner Backgammon 101 class.


A strong strategy is to try hitting as many of your opponent’s unprotected playing pieces, also known as “blots,” along the way. Both players start the game by rolling one die each, this is called the opening roll. If the same number rolled in the opening, both players must make a re-roll. At the start of anyone’s turn, if they feel like they are leading enough, a player can opt to raise the doubling cube.

  • Also know that there’s no limit to how many checkers you can place on a point.
  • The game is over and a winner is declared whenever someone removes their last checker from the game.
  • There is no limit to the number of doubles and redoubles in a single game, except that no player may double twice in a row.
  • After a redouble only the owner of the doubling cube can make a subsequent redouble.
  • The captain becomes the new box, and the next player in line becomes the new captain.

You will learn about the history of the game, the basics of how to play, and some rule nuances frequently asked by new players. Chris Bray is the author of multiple backgammon books, including Backgammon for Dummies, and is the backgammon columnist for The Times of London. He posts a weekly column on our website called Bray’s Learning Curve. If you are playing a match up to n points and one player reaches n – 1 points, the Crawford rule says that the doubling cube is out of play for one game. After the Crawford game, the doubling cube is back in play again. At any point during the game, a player who thinks he has a sufficient advantage may double the stakes.

The rules require that a player must use both numbers of their roll (all four in the case of a double) if possible. If they can make moves that don’t involve bearing off, they are free to do so. Otherwise, they must bear off if that is the only legal play. Backgammon rules state that if a player has one or more checkers on the bar, they must re-enter them on the opponent’s home board. This is done by rolling two dice and moving your checker to the corresponding point of one of the numbers. But if the point is not open, the player cannot move and loses their turn. A player can’t make any other moves until there are no checkers on the bar.

Backgammon News

You may bear off a checker by rolling the number that corresponds to the point on which that checker resides. For example, if you roll a four, you may remove a checker from the fourth point. Once all of your checkers are on your home board, you may start bearing off. This is the process by which you remove your checkers from the board. You must always use as many of your dice rolls as possible, even when doing so is not to your advantage.

Q: What is a multiple-cube chouette?

During the first study session with the new pieces, 17th July 2023, I felt inspired to compose. I quickly discovered that 12 squares, occupied by one of each type of chess piece both black and white, could create a big R on the chess board (for Royal Chess Mall). Soon I had the Mate in 3 which you can find in the pictures. Hopefully it is a worthy tribute to the craftsmen responsible for this set. Note that while a player may forfeit a roll they never forfeit their right to double at the start of each turn, should they have access to the doubling cube. The object of the game is for each player to bring all their checkers into their home board, and then to bear them off the board. Like any really good game the rules can be easily learned in 30 minutes.

The player with the higher number makes the first move, using the two numbers rolled (your roll and your opponent’s roll). In the event that both players roll the same number, each rolls again to determine who makes the first move. In the event of subsequent ties this process is repeated until the dice show different numbers. Backgammon has long been popular in the Middle East and visitors to that region will be familiar with the clack-clack of checkers being moved on wooden boards at the many street-side cafes. The game was also played in the West but it was not until the introduction of doubling sometime around 1926 in France that it really became popular. Doubling enhanced the gambling element of backgammon and it flourished in the US and the UK until the Wall Street crash of 1929 removed the availability of ready cash. The first player to move all 15 checkers from their starting position to off the board wins the game.

This dice is never rolled and is instead used as a tracker to keep track of the bet multiplier. The initial bet is the agreed upon amount each player will wager at the beginning of the game. Make sure to keep in mind that this bet could double one or more times during the course of the game. If identical numbers are rolled on the first turn the doubling cube is automatically turned to two. The victor in that game ends up registering at least two wins.


At the end of the game, if the losing player has borne off at least one checker, he loses only the value showing on the doubling cube (one point, if there have been no doubles). However, if the loser has not borne off any of his checkers, he is gammoned and loses twice the value of the doubling cube. Or, worse, if the loser has not borne off any of his checkers and still has a checker on the bar or in the winner’s home board, he is backgammoned and loses three times the value of the doubling cube. Play with an artificially intellegent opponent or play with a friend with Pass & Play! 247 Backgammon has games in five difficulites, ranging from easy to expert! You’ll be sure to find a difficulty you feel comfortable playing, whether you are a beginner or seasoned backgammon player.

A player can remove their checker by rolling a number that matches a point with a checker on it. If the player is unable to bear off, they must move a checker from a higher point. The player can decide to move one checker or split the moves between two checkers. For instance, rolling two sixes means the player can move six spaces, four times. Remove all 15 of their discs, wins the game according to the backgammon rules.

You must use your whole turn when re-entering the game from the bar. If you roll a 3-4, you can re-enter on the 3 or 4 point and then move your disc according to the remaining die, as you would on a normal turn. If you can land on a point with only ONE of your opponent’s pieces, known as a “blot,” then you can hit your opponent and move their piece to the bar. The bar is the middle crease of the board, where it folds in half. You can hit more than one of your opponent’s pieces in a turn.

Enables players, who believe they are in a favorable position, to raise the stakes, to register between 2 and 64 game wins with just a single victory. On one side of the bar – players decide by mutual consent whether it’s the left half or the right half – the two quadrants facing each other are the ‘home boards’ of each player. The two quadrants facing each other on the other side of the bar are their respective ‘outer boards’. In this article, we will walk you through the basic rules, setup, and gameplay of backgammon.

A gammon (2 points) is when you have borne off all your checkers and your opponent hasn’t borne off any checkers, as illustrated in the following image. A single (1 point) is when you have borne off all your checkers and your opponent has borne off 1 to 14 checkers, as illustrated in the following image. Learning Starzino is one thing, but what if you actually want to win?